Other requirements, such as the following, were implemented from March 1, 2024:
restricting the flavors of imported vapes to mint, menthol, or tobacco, and outlawing the importation of any vapes—including rechargeable ones—without a permit and import license.
The Government has also opened another scheme to give more medical practitioners the ability to prescribe therapeutic vapes when they think it is appropriate.
People with a prescription will no longer be able to import vapes directly from overseas (through the Personal Importation Scheme). Instead, they will be available at some authorized pharmacies. An import permit will be required for pharmacies or their suppliers to bring any e-cigarettes (with or without nicotine) into the country.
There will be certain permissible medicinal vapes. These are e-cigarettes that a physician or nurse practitioner has prescribed to help someone stop smoking or manage their addiction to nicotine.
To allow more medical professionals to prescribe therapeutic vapes when they deem it appropriate, the government has also launched a new program.
It will no longer be possible for anyone with a prescription to import vapes straight from abroad (via the Personal Importation Scheme). Rather, pharmacies or their suppliers will need an import permit to bring any e-cigarettes (with or without nicotine) into the nation. These will only be sold at a select few authorized pharmacies.